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Bucks County police officer tests positive for coronavirus

A Middletown Township police officer has tested positive for the coronavirus, Police Chief Joseph Bartorilla confirmed in an email early Saturday.
“He is doing well for now and is resting and recovering in isolation at home, and is following the county health department’s instructions,” Philadelphia News
The officer’s test result was received by the Bucks County police department late Friday.
It is the second known case of a law-enforcement officer testing positive for the virus in the five-county region of Philadelphia and its southeast Pennsylvania suburbs. Last week, an officer in Lower Providence Township, Montgomery County, tested positive for the virus. Philadelphia Medical News “It’s unknown at this time how he was infected. As a department, we identified the officers and civilian staff who have had recent close, prolonged contact with this officer or are showing symptoms of the illness, and we are ensuring that they self-quarantine per the direction of the county health department,” 

Bartorilla Statement for Philadelphia Police

“These officers will be tested and must have a negative test result and clearance from either Dr. [David] Damsker or Dr. [Gerald] Wydro before being allowed to return to work. This will ensure that we minimize the rest of the department’s chance for infection and also that we don’t risk spreading it beyond our department,” the police chief said.
“The county health department has been notified by us of everyone who has had recent direct contact with this officer. We are following the county health department’s lead in this and are working closely with them in this matter,”  Philadelphia Distribution Service

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