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Philadelphia reports 359 more coronavirus cases, 23 more deaths

The Philadelphia News Department of Public Health announced 359 additional presumptive confirmed cases of COVID-19 novel coronavirus on Saturday.

That brings the number of confirmed cases to 6,152.

Health officials say the lower daily count is partial because some labs do not report results over the weekend.

The Department of Public Health noted clusters of positive cases in Philadelphia News  congregate settings, including nursing homes, behavioral health facilities, and the Department of Prisons. Five additional inmates have tested positive, bringing the current total of positive cases at correctional facilities to 63.

The Department of Public Health confirmed 23 additional fatalities in Philadelphia, bringing the citywide total to 160.

Seventy-seven of the 160 deaths (48%) were in long-term care facility residents. One hundred and one of the 160 deaths (63%) were in people over age 70.

The Department of Public Health reports 700 patients with COVID-19 are currently being treated in Philadelphia hospitals-a decrease from 717 on Friday -and a total of 1,236 people are hospitalized in the region (including Philadelphia).

"While the growth rate of numbers of positive cases over the last few days has been promising, I want to stress that now is not the time to let up on social distancing and the other precautions we've been taking," said Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley. "We must Press Release Distribution Services In Philadelphia continue to do our part to help flatten the curve in Philadelphia. We need all Philadelphia residents to stay at home unless absolutely necessary to leave for an essential job or critical activity like buying food or medicine. We need everyone to wear a face-covering if they must go outside and maintain at least six feet between themselves and others when out in public. And of course, everyone needs to continue to wash their hands frequently."

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